Revival without faithfulness is just feelings,

And feelings aren't something I knock,

Flash in the pan sure is thrilling,

And a thrill makes for good memories,

But faithfulness is beholding God's goodness,

In the present.

That's what I want for the Church.
Because... As I look at the Church,

The Bride Of Christ whom I've given my life and career,

We sure do need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit right about now, the kind of outpouring that simultaneously steels and softens our hearts.

We've been trying things on our own.
And it don't fly.

We do need revival.

But not the kind that the self appointed keepers of that word would envision.

We need a revival of doctrine, fidelity, holiness, passion, faithfulness, long-suffering, Love: slow Love.

Will you pray w/ me for that kind of revival?
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