1/ Independent SAGE demands #ZeroCOVID strategy for #UK after the government announced that infection rates would not decrease until a vaccine became available. Via @noawitheringly

#containment #CoronaVirusDE #BildungAberSicher #NotMyKid #Europe #Germany
2/ "The prospect of many thousands of further deaths from COVID-19 [...] is unacceptable", in addition to the large number of survivors left with long-term sequelae. The scientists call for an integrated plan to achieve "Zero COVID Britain and Ireland" as prime objective.
3/As the Republic of #Ireland, #Scotland and N-Ireland already had very small numbers of new cases, the virus was under control there. Hence, they were in a good position to achieve elimination. #England and #Wales instead, would need to make the necessary efforts to achieve this
4/ "Achieving elimination would allow all social distancing measures to be lifted, schools to be fully open, the hospitality and entertainment industries to reopen fully,
revitalisation of the economy and a sense of much needed normality for the population."

5/ I-SAGE's plan:
1. Control of the virus: reduction of cases to a 7-day incidence of 1 per 1 million people
2. Elimination: reduction to zero new community infections, eff. dealing w. imported cases
3. Eradication: permanent reduction to "zero worldwide incidence of infection"
6/ "It is clear that the government has
consistently failed to heed broad-based scientific advice", such as large scale testing with test results available within 24 hours, a strong test-trace-isolate program, as well as public health messaging campaigns to enhance awareness.
7/ "Similarly, the government does not appear
to have learned from the experiences of other countries that have been successful in achieving elimination or near elimination of the infection."

#Germany #Welle
8/The scientists demand:"If the UK government is not prepared to accept this advice, based as it is on the best
scientific understanding of the pandemic, it must (as a matter of urgency) outline its strategic plan [...] and the analysis and advice upon which such a plan is based"
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