I'm apparently starting my Saturday morning by calling out something in pro wrestling fandom/journalism/criticism that needs to be shut the fuck down already. (And revealing that I lurk on r/SquaredCircle. I'm not proud.) Here we go...
Stop fucking doing this. Stop doing the "smart fans" vs. "casual women and children" bullshit.
Because it suggests that the only "smart fans" of wrestling are men. (As if.) And that women are too fucking dumb (y'know, like children) or horny to "get" wrestling. This, despite MALE horniness being such a driving factor in the presentation of female wrestlers.
Why is the automatic assumption that women at a wrestling show are simply casual fans or, of course, rats? Why not assume that, if women are cheering for someone so emphatically, that means a wrestling company has actually pinged onto someone who they can gravitate to?
This applies to the #NaomiDeservesBetter thing too, as now the "smart fans" (you know, men... mostly white men... straight white men -- the only "smart fan," of course) have to "explain" why Naomi "only" appeals to "casual" (read, "female") fans...
...even though, supposedly, the key to wrestling being "cool" again is the casual fan. I mean, "smart fans" always say that as they pretend they understand TV ratings, right? (By the way, *I* barely understand TV ratings, and it's actually part of my job.) Make it make sense etc.
I guess I'll also defend children now -- and god knows I never want to do that -- as, that time when wrestling was "cool"? You know, the Attitude Era? Who was it really cool for? CHILDREN. (I once got grounded for saying "SUCK IT!" while playing with a friend -- MEMORIES.)
But now... children are dumb fucks for liking who they like, right? Not like the "smart fans," right?
I've essentially run out of steam -- defending children will do that to me -- so I'll say again: Stop fucking doing this. Cut this patronizing shit out. Call out idiots -- I don't care how "respected" a "journalist" they are -- when they do this.
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