While we're talking about it I just want to make sure that everyone knows that Shane Davis is full in on CG. There is no twisting it, and I would like to just give a heads up to the people. Because when he joined he also got the CG "Tired Old Book of WhatAboutIsm." THREAD 1/
Now, what brought this on? He accused Tom King of being a racist based on him trying to distance himself from someone who was believed to be CG adjacent who just so happened to be Asian American. As well he noted Dean Cain getting called out by Tom but...everyone shits on Dean 2/
This is false as the main crux of this was CG. CG has been harassing King's coworkers and friends for 3 years now. I can understand why he wouldn't want to have anyone associated with them working on a book he did. But of course Davis used the "CG isn't a hate group!" line 🙄3/
From what I saw Davis will use the few POC/women in CG as examples of it not being a hate group but this article can kinda give you the idea of why they're in CG is still rooted in hateful ideas such as misogyny/misogynoir, homophobia, transphobia ect 4/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-young-men-of-color-are-joining-white-supremacist-groups
And for a group that is so "inclusive and welcoming" uhh this sure doesn't sound like it at all. And it's Cecil of all people...the same guy that Dynamite is working with. Amazing how this all loops back in. 5/ https://twitter.com/SjwSpiderman/status/1286800973625794561?s=20
And of course more info and receipts here but there are so many if I posted them all, this thread would be a mile long. 6/ https://twitter.com/kwanzer/status/1285333322672025600?s=20
UPDATE: And these claims ended up proving to be rather fruitless because Tom ended up talking to Jae and well...
So well...now if he was distancing because of Jae's race then why did he hire him back? Seems the only issue was the CG connection because now they're fine?
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