We frequently retweet this analysis of 2016 polling accuracy & many readers just stop with this Apr 25th Tweet & read no further - they know most 2016 polls showed @realDonaldTrump with no real chance to win. But let's extract a few pollster records by name today, shall we?

1/- https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1254134354063904768
Let's start with the listing of who was most accurate in 2016 and cross reference that with who the @DNC liked enough to approve as a "Qualified" pollster for their 2019-2020 candidate sorting process. That chart is here. Guess who doesn't "Qualify?"

Now specifically on us - here is our late 2016 presidential results listing. Notice it has a certain GOP candidate frequently leading the @DNC approved & supported candidate. This caused a guy named "Lanny" to write to us & ask when we intended to apologize for our work.

And here is ABC News/Washington Post - its a likely voters survey & weighted - D38, R31, Ind 27


And here is NBC News/ Wall Street Journal - its a likely voters survey & weighted D34, R28, Ind31

And here is @cnn . It is a non-existent final poll because they released no final poll in 2016 as you can see. Played it safe. How they would have weighted it therefore - remains a secret.

And here is @FoxNews - still on the @realDonaldTrump target radar. Unfortunately we can't even tell anymore if it was a likely voters survey (we believe it was) or how weighted because it has been removed from RCP. Here is the link, check it yourself


And here is our favorite academic institution pollster - The Big Q - otherwise know as THE GOLD STANDARD in polling (according to the chattering classes). It pulled a CNN and played it safe so everyone can feature its unquestionable "transparency, balance & accuracy."

You can follow @Rasmussen_Poll.
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