The phrase "partial reopening" of schools being bandied about... It's a *full* reopening of school. Teachers will be doing *much* more work than last September. Students may not attend school full-time but there's nothing partial about what we'll be doing. #edchatie
We need to reject in no uncertain terms the media spin that has been happening and will increase over the coming weeks. We need to stand up to and call out the vested interests who would negate the pressures and seriousness of what we are entering into in August.
Teachers don't even get the free flu vaccine every year. We have never been respected as front line workers. Are we going to be at the front of a queue for a vaccine, if it arrives? #edchatie
We are going to be putting ourselves and our families at risk. We and they had better be properly taken care of during this and when all of it reaches some sort of equilibrium. #edchatie
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