#abed So here’s how school works. I am a teacher. Currently my class load will expose me to 150 students roughly/day. They will have been exposed to roughly 3-5 teachers who have also been exposed to 150 kids. So essentially the whole school is exposed to the whole school. 1/5
My husband is a teacher in another school. His exposure rate will be smaller with an elementary home room. My teenage daughter is a student in the high school which will have mixed classes and her exposure rate will be around the same as mine. 2/5
At the end of a day with my husband and child in a building of 850 and me in a building of 300 it’s conceivable that in some way shape or form we will be exposed either directly or indirectly to at least 50% of that population (likely underestimated). 3/5
We have no idea which kids came from home of families who took Covid seriously. Or those who went to a crowded beach on the weekend. Or those who attended a family bbq. And guess what? If you have a kid in school it’s going to be a not-so-fun guessing game for you too. 4/5
I have to place 32 student into a room built to house 24 comfortably. I cannot achieve 6ft of distance. I can’t see how I can even get them out of reach from each other. They will be within touching distance of another child. 5/5

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