Stuff I learnt on the Twitter this week:

1. Frequent handwashing, masks in confined social settings, proper social distancing and glory holes. Canada's going to beat this thing good.
2. Quebec allows indoor gatherings of 200 people after provincial glory hole shortage occurs.
3. Trudeau and Morneau say they should've recused themselves from WE-related matters but insist they played no role in any WE-related decisions. Vivian Krause still wants to speak to their manager.
4. Scheer says PM and FM's actions were "disgusting and gross." Also "icky poopy."
5. Poilievre insists multimillionaire Morneau was neck-deep in it all just for the free frequent flyer miles.
6. Scheer demands Trudeau & Morneau do the right thing by Canada and "resign immediately!" Says he's seen far too many Liberal shenanigans since he resigned a year ago.
7. Poilievre says he can prove Morneau went to Kenya - says he saw him at the airport when PP and his wife were taking their free trips to Taiwan.
8. Scheer says he'd bet $900K Morneau took something he shouldn't have.
9. Autumn mail-in election possible. CPC buys up all stamps.
10. UPC plans full return to school for kids in September, without smaller classes or any real preventative measures. Insists the only people who will get sick are teachers and staff, and they're as dime-a-dozen as doctors and Issue Managers anyway.
11. Kenney RV'd for 7 minutes.
12. After ejecting dissenting MPP from caucus for not supporting his King Doug Ford bill, Doug says he was shocked to learn Karahalios wasn't on board, "Just last week I shared some delicious Lay's chips with her and she didn't mention any of this. Who doesn't love Lay's chips?!"
13. With 6 weeks left before school to resume in Ontario, Minister of Education Lecce focuses on the all-important task of taking selfies and saying everything will okey-dokey come September.
14. Doug re-announces more announcements about stuff he didn't do in the first place.
15. "People. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. And you get extra points for that!" That's it. That's the funny part.
16. Trump says "suburban housewives" love him. Says many have approached him and said, "Sir. Will you please share your favourite Goya beans recipe with us?" Some cried too.
17. Alberta Parks recommends 2 rounds of public consultation for plan to remove 100+ Alberta parks. Jason Nixon vetoes idea. Says he's too busy helping plan the big referendum to hear people's thoughts.
18. Kenney Yelps: "Banff Springs Hotel has great RV parking! Comfy slippers!"
19. 407 staffer charged with data breach related to election improprieties by Ontario Conservative candidate. Doug responds to questions on his involvement, "Folks, no one loves the hardworking 407 more than me. It's all-star data is what makes Ontario great - like Lay's chips!"
20. Trump says in interview he may not leave Office if he loses in Nov. Says it worked for Scheer so he might give it a try too.
21. CDN media declares MacKay presumptive leadership race winner. Kenney and Shandro say O'Toole can come to AB and be a doctor or Issue Manager #237.
22. Trump offers his "best wishes" to child prostitution suspect. PressSec McEnany says, "He only meant he hopes she does okay in prison. *wink*"
23. Trump sends his private gestapo to Portland to gas and abduct protestors. Says there's no room in Amurikuh for Moms or dissent.
24. Raptor's coach Nick Nurse donates $25K to Mississauga school's music program so they can buy much-needed instruments. I'm not a basketball fan, but I *am* now a huge Nick Nurse fan. (huge kudos to Max Kerman too, for his help making it all happen.)
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