league of legends girls and disney princesses as each other: a short thread

mulan and irelia 🌸
young women who were forced to face the harsh reality of wars and displayed a tremendous amount of courage saving their homelands
moana and nami 🌊
bravely set out on a mission into the unknown to save their people by restoring powerful objects that kept their homes in balance whilst being closely tied to the ocean
jasmine and taliyah 🐯
curious about what the world holds beyond the walls of their lands, they wish to march to the beat of their own drum and hate when people tell them what to do or who to be
cinderella and lux💎
held onto their kindness and compassion despite living in toxic environments where people made them feel unwelcomed and despised each day
tiana/naveen and senna/lucian 💚
charismatic soulmates with strong spirits who proved that true love holds way more power than any curse and are good examples of an everlasting bond through thick and thin
elsa/anna and kayle/morgana 👥
siblings whose once prevalent and dear love was broken by their differences. one cold and distant, the other compassionate and hurt by her sister. one pair made amends and connected again, but i doubt the same ending awaits kayle and morgana
rapunzel and zoe ✨
fun-loving girls with too much energy for their own good who are always up for an adventure and love to make things exciting. they have super long magical hair and great powers that can be used for both good and bad
aurora and syndra 💤
nap queens submerged in deep sleep because they had people pressed
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