Just a reminder protests are still going on even when they disappeared from your TL. #BlackLivesmatter was not and is still not just a trend. Currently the U.S is in a fucked up state not because of protests but because of our leadership. 2020 is messed up on every front+ https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1286518425703964672
The reason I bring this up is because the #BlackLivesmatter movement isn't the problem, the corona virus crisis isn't the problem. These events are cataclysms that helped reveal, and strip bare the real underlying diseases in our societies and our political system+
Being complacent is no longer an option. And you dont have to be on the streets or even have to be trending the #BlackLivesmatter tag to be helping. There is so much that we can do, in our own capacity and our own little clicks. This movement revealed a lot of messiness in +
Our midst as A.R.M.Y and made me realize that we needed to pay close attention and be alert of who we are surrounding ourselves with and who exactly have been calling themselves A.R.M.Y. both corrona and the more recent surge of #BlackLivesmatter movement made me see more +
Clearly how much we need rules, how much we need to define ourselves, and what we can do as a fandom to help make the world a better place. It has nothing to do with politics but everything to do with being decent human beings to one another, and learning to be considerate+
And educating ourselves so that we are less ignorant and more helpful to the world. By not tolerating disrespect towards black ARMYs and other Poc armys we are helping the #BlackLivesmatter movement. By reminding other people to be considerate of others and to stay safe/healthy+
We are helping to stop the spread of corona. By donating to the OIAA projects and doing all we can to help others, we are helping make the world a better place and we are helping establish a balance even as small as it is. By getting BTS music and message out there +
By getting @BTS_twt name out there, we are also helping to share a more positive message because we are exposing the world to their positivity and their message that we've all benefitted from one way or another. Remember this always, this is part of our purpose as A.R.M.Y 👇
@BTS_twt is not like other groups. And We are not like other fandoms and we should remember that always and act with that in mind when we act. And I am trying my best to work towards a project that can help organize better and help us always remember that fact+
Im sure I've mentioned it before the #purplehub and #purplehandbook projects which I will soon be expanding on and explaining in later days. I will continue to put out pieces to help educate those of you who want to be educated, I will continue to bring up the hard topics+
We need to talk about but refuse to approach. I will continue to support @BTS_twt and vote #MTVHottest BTS and any other thing I need to vote for. I will do my duty as ARMY, as a citizen of the world and as a black woman living in this unfair society. So my question for +
The rest of you is what are you doing and how are you helping the world. This is a question directed especially some of you shit stirrers and drama starters and fake ass fans and fake ass people out there who take a special pleasure in antagonizing others+
You don't have to do anything big to matter, but you do have to try mattering in a positive way because if all you do is add negative matter to the world, than your worth is negative, and I dont think any human being out there wants to be a minus. Be the change you want to see+
And learn to monitor yourself if you dont want others to monitor you and if you cant do that or fail to do it then you can't be mad when other people call you out on your Bullshit and use it as a learning experience. #ARMYREALTALK if you dont believe me then believe Yoongi 👇
End of thread
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