How do I tell artists that 200$ for a character drawing is a pretty standard price.
Like don’t.... dont undersell yourselves by comparing your prices w fartman like if anything charge more than him. Blease.
If you post your work in that fartman comparison tag. You’re just telling ppl you are underselling yourselves and you run the risk of getting a lot of shitty commissioners who demand more from you for less money.
Like trust me, there are people who are willing to spend money or save up money for a 500-1k$ commission if they really really want it. Yes they’re rarer but they exist and they respect artists way more than someone being rude to you for not drawing their logo for a pizza.
If you’re unsure and can’t really use drawing time or your own perception of your own arts value. Set the price after “fucks”

How much money does it take for you to give a fuck?
For me that’s 150-200$. That’s my >>starting<<price.
Also I want to point out this whole thread started by me seeing an artist charge 200$ for a fully rendered painting w backgrounds etc, and has 10k+ followers. So like if you have 500 followers then things might be different in your situation. Just wanna make that clear.
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