Reminders for male allies:
1. Misogyny isn't tied to a cause. Misogyny is any kind of hostility towards women who threaten male entitlement.
Having said that, IDGAF what kind of an ally you think you are, you're not exempt from being a misogynist to other women cuz feminism
2. As a chunk of fem Twitter continues to implode, allies REALLY need to stop taking sides. Men have pit women against each other for centuries and news flash, it's bad. You cannot reward one woman with support while dismissing another without...
...making "their" argument about you. You're also making it perfectly clear for all following along that your support for feminism is conditional and based on favoritism. None of this makes you an ally, just a guy who likes to argue for women you're attracted to.
3. As men, you haven't had the literal lived experiences of women so don't try to dictate or judge what is important to women and what isn't. You don't get to tell them what feminism WeLL aCtUaLlY is or isn't (with exceptions) and if they're a feminist or not.
4. It is a fact that men listen to men more and if you're not using your male privilege to talk to, recruit, help, argue with, whatever with other men, then change that.
5. Don't stalk behind a block. Like, WTF.
7. Stop making women comfort you because being a feminist is so hard.
8. Do not call other men bitch, cunt, or any other derogatory term. It can be empowering for women to "take it back" but it will always be degrading coming from men. Until their meaning changes, men using them to insult other men is the equivalent of using "woman" as an insult.
9. For the fellas doing it right, keep up the good work. It means a lot. ❤️
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