marauders & friends photo memories ~ a thread 🌌💫

[all the photos were found on pinterest they're not mine]
"remus and sirius kissing while peter and lily are feeling lonely"

taken by jamie, hogsmeade, autumn 1976
"remus, sirius, marlene and dorcas being just gay"

taken by lily, hogwarts, autumn 1974
"what the fuck happened i left ya alone for just 2 minutes"

taken by remus, remus house, summer 1973
"rem and sirius got caught by minnie, opsie"

taken by jamie, hogwarts, spring 1977
"sirius, james and peter doing...i really don't know, while remus thinks about when they all will be expelled by dumbledore"

taken by frank, prefect bathroom, winter 1976
"marlene, lily and dorcas ready for the holidays"

taken by sirius, cokeworth, spring 1977
"sirius said that this was really necessary and absolutely genial"

taken by remus, london, summer 1974
"Sirius & remus, james & lily sleeping, ew, love"

taken by peter, godric hollow, winter 1978
"what kind of drugs are them on?"

taken by marlene, cokeworth, summer 1977
"lily evans fantastic ideas, she's a real marauder"

taken by jamie, england, summer 1976
"sirius and james being sirius and james"

taken by lily, fistral beach, summer 1977
"sirius hallowen costume"

taken by lily, hogwarts, autumn 1977
"sirius and james decided to surprise their partners...well...we were really surprised..."

taken by remus and lily, hogwarts, autumn 1977
"james and remus drunk at 5am"

taken by sirius, lake, summer 1976
"i can't believe it, potter can read!"

taken by lily, godric hollow, spring 1978
"that time when remus fell asleep in the car and we forgot him"

taken by peter, london, winter 1975
"pete and rem sleeping, they're so cute"

taken by sirius, london, summer 1976
"remus and lily drunk, what the hell is going on?"

taken by jamie, cokeworth, autumn 1975
"james and lily being horribly straight"

taken by sirius, fistral beach, summer 1977
"dorcas and marlene cuddiling"

taken by lily, gryffindor dormitory, spring 1974
"just sirius and lily worshipping their god...? i'm scared of these two"

taken by james, supermarket, winter 1976
"us being the most chaotic & beautiful squad of all times"
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