misconceptions about the nonbinary identity, a thread.
First off, I'm going to cover some of the the most common misconception of what nonbinary means and what it is.
the first misconception is that nonbinary is a spectrum.
nonbinary being a spectrum is simply based on misinformation of what it actually is. nonbinary is scientifically the lack of gender identity, though its comparable to other gender identities, aka. male and female. gender identity itself is not a spectrum, neither are the +
different gender identites. gender expression, such as being feminine, masculine or androgynous is a spectrum, but the gender identify itself is scientifically not seen or understandable as a spectrum.
there isn't different forms of being nonbinary, just like there isn't +
different forms of being male or female. that means that made-up terms that a based purely on misunderstanding of gender, like genderfluid, demigirl/boy, etc. are scientifically proven to be impossible. they invalidate and harm the nonbinary community, because they present a +
factually incorrect picture of what nonbinary even is.
nonbinary isn't a spectrum, just like gender identity itself isn't considered a spectrum, neuroscience explains that gender identity isn't the same as gender expression, which is a spectrum.
the second misconception is, that nonbinary is a third gender.
the scientific explanation of nonbinary is that its a lack of gender identity. that means that the brain of someone who is nonbinary doesn't have the gender-defining differences of a male- and female defined brain. +
neuroscientists have shows that the gender identity is fully based on the brain. it's a quite simple concept for those who aren't aware, the brain developes a sex that equals the gender identity. for transsexual people the brain's sex doesn't equal the biological sex, which is +
what causes the gender dysphoria and therefore that's what makes someone's trans. for nonbinary people instead of having a male brain and a AFAB body, the brain has lacks of the gender-defining differences that would make the person identity as their AGAB (female) or male (the +
binary transsexual gender). it's the same concept for people who are AMAB and are nonbinary, they lack the gender-defining differences of both binary genders, which is what makes them nonbinary.
the next misconception is that nonbinary people are included in every sexuality.
the biggest problem about this misconception is, that it causes extreme damage to sexuality that include only one binary gender. with, that, gay men and lesbians, basically all mono-homosexuality is being erased and attacked.
people who include nonbinary into those sexualities +
often don't include them into heterosexuality, which also is considered as a mono-sexuality.
mono-sexualities basically are sexualities that describe people who are only attracted to one binary gender, therefore it excludes nonbinary people.
including nonbinary people in binary +
and gendered terms, such as mono-sexualities, impacts the erasure and invalidation those spaces have to face. it worsen them, often to an extreme extent to where many people aren't comfortable with their own space anymore because of nonbinary people invading them.
the last misconception is, that nonbinary people have to be androgynous or GNC, or that being GNC is the same as being nonbinary.
for this misconception it's important to note that gender expression (GNC/being androgynous) isn't the same as gender identity (nonbinary/male/female) and had absolutely no connection to it. anyone can be masculine without being male, anyone can be feminine without being female+
and anyone can be androgynous or gender-non conforming (GNC) without being nonbinary.
gender expression isn't linked to gender identity at all, which means that also nonbinary people can be feminine or masculine, they're still nonbinary.
being GNC doesn't make one nonbinary +
though. again, GNC is a form of gender expression, not gender identity which is important to note.
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