Here’s an idea:
All the billionaires in America cover the rent for everyone living at or below the poverty level for the next three months.
According to @Forbes there’s 540 billionaires in the U.S. worth $2.399 trillion (that’s $2,399 million millions!). There’s 38.1 million Americans living in poverty.
$1,343 is the median rent nationwide for a two bedroom apt.
So say 10 mil apts for 3 months would cost about $40b.
So each billionaire would be on the hook for about $74m. But their total wealth is about 2400 million millions. So, say they divide up the obligation on a sliding scale (so no one feels unfairly burdened), if you subtract 74 from 2400, they’d still have $2,326 million millions.
God I hope my math was right. If not... They still should do it.
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