tw intrusive thoughts

intrusive thoughts aren’t an aesthetic. they aren’t funny or quirky. they aren’t cute. if u think they’re an aesthetic joke block me. ur disgusting. - someone that deals with intrusive thoughts a Lot nd hates it x
this is getting more attention than i expected so if u have intrusive thoughts i want u to know you are okay there’s nothing wrong with you you are valid & i love u !! my dms are open if anyone needs someone to talk to <3
i’m trying to keep this thread short but if u treat any of these things like it’s an aesthetic ur literally disgusting. i’ve been terrified of myself because of some of the intrusive thoughts i’ve had yet i can’t control it. it’s not something for u to use as an aesthetic.
also sorry if some things in this don’t make sense i’m trying so hard y’all 💔
i’ve seen so many people reply to this & dm me abt it saying they didn’t know this was an actual thing nd tha they feel so much better now they know it’s not just them :(( that makes me so so happy :(( ur not fucked up !! ur not the only one !! ur all so valid ily all :((
tw knives , intrusive thoughts

bruh my dumbass self having tourette’s & intrusive thoughts abt wanting to stab something vs my tourette’s acting up nd throwing a knife at the wall 😭😭
i’m going to sleep but i will read all of yalls replies & dms in the morning !! ily all stay safe !! <3
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