[A thread]
Why this is my favorite moment of all things happened last night.
First of all, last night was not only about football match. Like we knew brightwin had played football together back then but Bright wasn't part of a football team at that time. So they just invited friends and played together.
This time he is in the team for a few weeks already
It's still a surprise to me that Win all of sudden wears the MondayKnights jersey and plays in the team.
PLeesaw even said Win came with Bright, obviously stating that Bright tagged along Win. It wasn't a wedding invitation but it sounds like Win is Bright's +1 lol
OK well. That's about that.
Back to why I like the video above.
I am sure, last night, once Bright arrived at the field with Win, Bright already introduced Win to all the team, before people even have time to record it, so I'm thankful for PAof to joined later for us to see.
We all know that Bright always hangs out with PAof, all the time. To the mall, eat out and work out. I can safely say PAof is one of Bright's close friends at the moment, but PAof is also someone Bright respects, judging by how Bright still wai at him despite how close they are.
I'll put it here again so you can see that Bright glanced at Win for three times once PAof settled next to him. He waited for Win's attention to tell him that his friend is here and to greet him.
I have to stress the part that he's not introducing them to
-each other. It's not like "Win, this is PAof" and vice versa. Nope.
Bright just nudged Win and kinda said "PAof is here" and Win immediately turned to look at PAof and greeted him. Do you feel me? Can you see the difference?
No introduction just Bright wanted Win to greet one of his close friends.
No introduction is either because they have met before or Bright talked a lot about Win to PAof and talked about PAof to Win. So they were like unofficially introduced to each other.
For me. This is very important.
Like... Bright could just let it pass, since they were taking photos as well, or since they were all men, they could just mingle with each other on the field and get chummy. But I see the urgency in Bright to make these two interact.
As what I observed, Bright will introduce his special someone to his family and to his close circle faster than most people I know. Slowly getting this special person inside his circle, friends, his interest, anything. He just wants to involve his special person in his world.
So I have two takes on Bright's action last night.
1. He planned this, he wanted people to know "this is my special person." in a good way because he tried to guide Win by telling Win "PAof is here" and Win immediately knows what to do, like they've done it before to
- Bright's other friends or family.
I won't do that to just friends, basically I will just introduce them and that's all. But Bright makes sure Win does it right, respecting the older because he wants people to see how great Win is. This gesture is what lovers do all the time.
2. Bright wants Win to know all his close circle, especially PAof who basically goes out with him all the time. Bright is building Win's trust on him. Making sure Win knows whoever Bright is hanging out with. Like assuring Win that he hides nothing from Win.
..so when Bright is not with him and goes out with his friends, Win won't have a second thought.
This is sweet. This gesture makes me sure that Bright wants to do it right and his feeling is genuine towards Win.
He respects and treasures whatever they have now.
Ok. I didn't plan this thread to be this long Hahahahaha.
But well that's it.
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