إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ
Anyone who thinks that my (poor) choice of words in an interview with @mohammed_hijab in any way refers to the preservation of the Quran is grossly mistaken. The Quran has been, is, and always will be preserved.
2/ I believe the truth is always defensible, even if its awkward for some. When I criticized some Muslims for 'changing' the age of Aisha (r) without evidence, Islamophobes had a field trip. They released many vulgar videos using my name because I affirmed the Bukharī hadith.
3/ Their hatred of our religion, their evil tactics and the disgusting words they used about our Nabī ﷺ doesn't change the age of our mother, & we should not change the truth to appease them, even if it will take knowledge and education (hence time!) to explain our position.
4/ Throughout my sīrah, I made it my goal to never sugarcoat, to never 'hide' the truth. In this day and age, all information is easily accessible and it's best we deal with difficult issues from within our tradition rather than let our enemies be the ones who distort it.
5/ I have certain views about details of aḥruf/qirā'āt that have precedence in classical scholarship & are held by some modern scholars. I believe that the Quran can best be defended with these views. I understand some of my peers disagree with my views, & with my assessment.
6/ My goal is to defend the Quran, not myself. If you are satisfied with the opinions of others in this matter, alḥamdulillāh that's great! Follow those whom you trust, & don't worry about other personalities. But think the best of all Muslims just as our faith requires us to.
7/ In the end of the day, my Muslim critics and I agree (in contrast to the Islamophobes) that the Quran is the miraculous Divine Revelation from Allah, preserved and protected. Let our enemies distort as much as they want, this religion shall not be harmed by their tactics.
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