This is going to be a thread covering the 2020 Internet Bloodsports season. I am just telling it from my point of view, I may miss some things that happened, I haven’t taken a side, I just love the drama and arguing that makes me laugh.
I won’t have dates because I typically catch up on it a few days later because I’m a grown ass woman who can’t stop her life to watch Internet spergs (as much as I wish I could) and I don’t keep that information memorized.
So what started it? I think it was a pretty innocuous thing. Dick Masterson’s leaked texts. Some called him a simp, some called him a chad, for how he communicated in these texts. Who cares, they probably have some comedy potential but I prefer people freaking out on streams.
Some guy, I think of him as Podawful guy since I can’t remember his name, thought everyone around Dick wasn’t reacting in the ‘correct manner’ to the leaked text as they would towards some one they disliked. Meaning, they weren’t making fun of Dick for the content of the texts.
So, Ethan Ralph brought Podawful onto the Killstream to say his say. It was a spergfest on all sides and it was hilarious. Afterwards, Podawful said he was ‘dog piled’, Ethan said Podawful left the stream, Podawful said he was kicked. Who cares, it was funny.
About this time, from my perspective since I only knew one thing about him before this, PPP entered the scene. He not only agreed with Podawful’s claims but brought a new accusation to the sperg fight. That Dick was using New Project 2 to have a ring of defenders around himself.
I don’t honestly know nor care about the truth behind New Project 2. I didn’t use it, just like I don’t use Patreon or any other sites like that, it’s just a vehicle for sperg fights in this season.
PPP was able to get on a Rekieta Law stream that had Dick on it and there was a glorious sperg fight. PPP brought forward the claims that Dick had some kind of leverage on people like Null from Kiwi Farms, to help defend him.
Dick denied that he would use the site in this fashion. Again, don’t care just trying to weave the narrative. After that, it was sniping at each other from streams, mainly PPP calling people ‘jannies’ who would defend or ‘clean up’ threads about people who defended Dick.
The biggest ‘janny’ of course was Null from Kiwi Farms. But at some point this flips because of Null making an observation about the current situation and Ethan Ralph getting offended by it.
Null basically said that this current drama and the shackle around Dick’s neck would all end when ‘Ethan Ralph was sacrificed for the corn’. As in, things would chill out if Ethan was ostracized from the online circles he was currently in.
Ralph got extremely offended by this and he and Gator begin talking badly about the Kiwi Farms and the ‘alogs’. Everyone knows Kiwi Farms is autistic and it’s also bad to feed the trolls and there’s no bigger group of autistic trolls then those at the Kiwi Farms.
Ethan also sniped at Null, repeating the old talking points most of us who know about Null know already. Not sure if the exact happenings going on from Kiwi Farms since I never visit it, LOL.
I also missed bringing up the whole side story about the Kiwi Farms and Dick where there was a whole fight about what was and wasn’t considered a mansion. It’s worth a chuckle.
After Ralph’s divorce from Nora he’s dated two younger women. We’re concerned with his most recent. She has her own background of the typical ‘I’m a crazy girl online who doesn’t sleep much and I’m quirky’, she’s also 18.
The newest ‘flare up’ of sperging from all sides has come from Ralph dating this girl. From making fun of food this girl has made on paper plates, to Mundane Matt and Kraut going on PPP streams, to questioning what age Nora and this girl were when Ralph started talking to them.
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