Thoughts in my 7th season... much is fundamentals and sometimes what we tend to overlook in the heat of the battle...
Grass populations have a lot to do with responsible tree removals on older courses. Over seeding must be timely but sunlight shifts the numbers faster than I thought it would.
Soil moisture via delivery is a must. Making sure the desired grass has what it needs. Relying on new data set tools while helpful, can misguide the long term goals.
Ensuring the nutrition is proper for each soil system also helps. Not all greens need the same applications and if diligent, vastly helps the population shift.
Older greens require proper attention when needed... both surface and sub-surface drainage are very critical. Some maintenance practices affect these negatively and it needs to be recognized and adjusted.
It’s a marathon... tough to stay the course but focusing on fundamentals without sacrificing playability is proving successful.
Lastly, our measured disturbance approach I believe is encouraging healthy grass on all surfaces. If it’s needed, we do it. If not, we monitor and learn much. Back to checking moisture and deep roots with the soil probe!
You can follow @jeffdstauffer.
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