1/? @sportybetng I have opened this twitter account to cast light on your operations. I must say that you guys ( @sportybetng ) have continuously pulled FRAUDULENT moves to defraud your customers!. Your electronic games keep getting manipulated time and time again.
2/? I demand an explanation as to WHY exactly has this game been voided? This is not the first time you will do this and I am sure this is not the last time. Its high time you are brought to justice. When customers place bets on your electronic games and lose, ...
they take heart and move on. But when they WIN, you have absolutely no right to manipulate the game from your end.

This SAME instance has been experienced by me at least 3 times!!!!. If you lack the capacity to fund customers when then win, opt out of the gaming business.
You make millions week in week out and when YOUR CUSTOMERS win, you feel you can fool them with backend manipulation. Today, you have met your match. I will make sure I engage every gaming governing body in the country to ensure you are made to answer for your fraudulence!.
@nlrcgovng this instance is getting out of control and this loophole needs to be blocked and perpetrators made to answer for their actions.
I urge ALL @sportybetng @sportybetke @sportybetgh customers to take serious consideration on whether they want to continue with such a fraudulent organisation. Mptcheeew
You can follow @Skinnyp54962757.
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