I really want white academics to chill on writing about Black lives right now. And also forever.
Literally, leave us alone. You don't get it. You won't. There are other things for you to do.
White academics who do race work should absolutely focus on interrogating power and the harms of white supremacy. They just shouldn't be doing it through a lens of Blackness. Period.
Unfortunately, we've seen article after article and book after book from white scholars that do not depict Black experiences fully or with nuance. Instead, they reproduce status quo oppression while increasing the impact factor for white-led journals and pubs.
When Blackness and the trauma porn of it all become "sexy" to the mainstream, many white academics who have no vested interests in abolition or liberation start writing without properly crediting Black scholars or engaging deeply with their own complicity in anti-Blackness.
Black Studies can't continue to be the white scholar's pet project.
Studying Black people and Blackness is a full-time job. If you're not treating it that way, move.
My followers got barzzzz: https://twitter.com/thediplomat05/status/1287046939448680448?s=19
This: https://twitter.com/walkej7/status/1287069782970376193?s=19
A word. A sermon. A ministry. https://twitter.com/thediplomat05/status/1287047956592504832?s=19
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