I'd like to elaborate on this thing I posted earlier today, because some of the responses indicate people thought I meant something very different to what I intended. https://twitter.com/BeigeShiba/status/1286816088156585984
The ethnogenesis isn't "white people".

Those have been around for at least a couple dozen centuries at this point. I've nothing to say on that point which Oswald Spengler hadn't already said better.
No, the ethnogenesis is the globalist urbanite.

These are the sort of people who are spiritually expats, even when they're in the country of their birth. Because things like nation, ethnicity and history mean nothing to them. All that matters is lifestyle.
Anywhere that will afford them the lifestyle they desire, in terms of career, money and living space, they will happily uproot and move to.

And why not? Almost all major urban centres have been set up to accommodate them. One is really much the same as any other.
The globalist urbanite can be anyone, come from anywhere and live in any city that is set up according to the ISO standard living template to which they have contorted themselves to fit, like a modern day bed of Procrustes.
As long as you speak English, have a tertiary education and have all the designated money-sink bourgeois lifestyle interests and opinons, then you can be part of the club, too.
The barriers to entry are relatively low, the lifestyle has a superficial appeal of (largely fake and affected) affluence and cosmopolitanism.

This makes it very seductive to people who were misfits in the local culture and possess some modest degree of talent.
Make no mistake, though. This amorphous multicultural blob is extremely effective at occupying territory and institutions and displacing locals.
Because they function as an almost ideal worker caste for global capital, and governments are mostly set up to be local service branches for global capital, then there's huge money in remodelling spaces in order to suit these people's requirements.
Oh the globalist urbanites find some aspect of local culture to be uncomfortable? No problems! We'll suppress that and drive it out to the margins, anything to make global technocapital happy!
That's the real ethnogeneis that has occurred. This strange, rootless worker caste is the real ethnogenesis. It's easy to join and all it costs is your own uniqueness.

But boy do they want you to assimilate, because your failure to conform is inefficient and we can't have that!
When I was growing up there was a lot less of them than there is now. They were still a relatively small and elite clique who kept to themselves. Now they are so great in number and so mobile they can pick a target and swarm and overwhelm it very quickly.
You can be living in some city all your life and suddenly BAM in 5-10 years, millions of these assholes move in and the place you grew up is completely unrecognisable. It's like martians just flew in and set up shop!
And heaven forfend if these guys take an interest in something you love. Before you know it, the entire hobby has been levelled to its foundations and completely remodelled to suit their interests and you're riff raff now and need to go away because you're scaring the customers.
The whole matter of the globalist urbanite took a while for me to pin down for me because I am an urbanite myself. The difference is that I'm very much a parochial urbanite.

I was born in Melbourne and have lived my entire life there.
Until recently, I never had any desire to see the world beyond Melbourne, simply because Melbourne was a big enough place for me.

Even before the recent population explosion, it was a city of about 2.5M people, which is bigger than the population of many states in the USA.
The trouble is, over the past 20 years or so, I've seen Melbourne go from being a very unique and specific place with its own specific culture for a very specific people, to becoming just a very generic city full of generic people.
And now, most of the people who grew up in Melbourne, have ended up leaving it to go and live in the rural regions. Because the city has grown too cramped and expensive for working class people to live comfortably. It's now mostly middle class people and expats now.
And this really bothers me, because I miss Melbourne being a place of unique character and there's really nothing to replace it with, even if I do end up eventually joining the flight to the regions.
Because the plain fact of the matter is that living in some rural satellite town really isn't anything at all like living in the big city.

I mean, I'm hardly going to wither and die there, it's just that it's a really poor substitute for what was lost.
And I really wonder, why was it lost in the first place? What did we gain by integrating with this global system, which was worth the local culture which we so flippantly traded away?
I don't miss the locally built cars. The Holdens and Fords were always shit.

But the globalist urbanites never buy practical Japanese cars like I prefer. I noticed that.

They always buy these awful European cars and never maintain them, so they break down constantly.
I can't go for a drive without seeing a damn Volkswagen or Renault with only one headlight. Meanwhile I've owned the same damn Mitsubishi for nearly a decade and it's never had an electrical fault even though I run a full light check most times before setting out.
I mention the cars because the cars are the epitome of the money sink bullshit that globalist urbanites are obsessed with.

They spend so much time working to make lots of money and then they spend their free time pissing it away on the most absurd things!
As things go, we're just a stone's throw from Korea and Japan while Europe is literally half the world away. And yet every year the road is clogged with more expensive European cars which are either clearly leased or never maintained.
The number of times I've had to explain to a clueless European car owner that they need to take their car to a specialist mechanic to get it fixed properly.

"But I thought you can go to any mechanic?"

No, only if you have an Asian car, you dingbat.
The supply chains for Euro cars are a clusterfuck here so parts are always an issue. So I am eternally treated to the spectacle of roads full of expensive European cars in a blatantly unroadworthy state.
I just ride around them on my Honda scooter which costs almost nothing to keep running, has dealerships and service centres just about everywhere and they think I'm the weird one, because I've got to change my trousers when I come into work.
The funny thing is that I've got more in common with the foreign students who deliver lunch to people, but only while they're still students. As soon as they graduate and join the globalist urbanite professional class, they become just as alien, very quickly.
And if you've tolerated my meandering tangent on the matter of vehicle ownership habits, you'll see this is where I'm getting at. There's this new thing which is a strange interwoven mix of class and ethnos and they kinda weird me out and I just don't like 'em.
People go from being someone who is rooted in a specific culture and history to becoming ISO Standard globalist urbanite worker drones super quickly and it's deeply unsettling and I feel as though I'm only scratching the surface of what they're about and what's going on.
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