My dad recently found my long lost classical Sugizo mixtape (I only bought the first one, didn’t have the second)

I just have a thought; “Everybody knows that Sugizo is classically-trained, so wouldn’t it be fun if most of his hit singles were orchestrated into one album?”
Because I also realize there are bunch of his fans who are actually into classical music and orchestrated songs, just like me and him personally

And I know this musical eccentric tend to vent his heart out while making his own music the way he can’t with his bands!
I cannot stop imagining Sugizo working with Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra to actually get (some of) his solo works orchestrated!

I want to listen to those! I am excited for that! If this classical collab actually happened I will absolutely ascending to the cloud nine!
But! It doesn’t have to be at this very time, because the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t over yet, the vaccines and curing medications were still on thorough research and tests

Everyone’s safety is a major priority; my crazy ass idea can wait and I believe Sugizo will agree with me
So, Soogz, if you see this thread, please consider this crazy but wonderful idea I got for you

I’ll be waiting no matter how long it will take (・ω<)-☆
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