Apparently the LAZY need this SPELLED OUT for them so here it comes:
You think you're so "woke"?
What does BLM really stand for?

Before you say "helping black people"? You oughta read the BLM website and see what they say right in it...
Destroy nuclear family
Promote transgender
Don't believe me? Use a search engine and go to the website yourself and see!

Explain how you help women by destroying family structure (which prevents single motherhood)

Explain how you help women by pushing MEN to BE women?
Where does money go when you give to BLM?

Click the DOnATE button.

Takes you to ACTBLUE....
Who is ActBlue?
They are a political action Committee based in Maryland.
Here's a breakdown of where they spend their millions, from the Open Secrets website.
Almost all went to their own salary, rent, and POLITICAL CANDIDATES many who have stopped running...
$186 million to Bernie Sanders
$115 million to RACIST Joe Biden - who said if you don't vote for him "you ain't black".
That's not to black community
It goes right into candidates campaign fund, fools
Don't be woke.
Read, look shit up, took me all of 4 minutes to find!
In Tampa alone, dozens of black & minority owned businesses were destroyed during BLM protests that morphed into riots.
Black folks looted black businesses.
Guess they didn't know that small biz don't have riot insurance.
You weren't stealin from Da Man. You stole from ur own
If black lives matter where is the concern for all the black victims of the riots? The biz owners in your own communities?
How about for all the crime in Ch-Iraq, all the little children shot, all the black folks hurt from shootups of get togethers on stoops, in back yards?
I don't wanna hear anyone else say that BLM helps blacks.
They don't.
They stand for tearing apart family's, pushing trans agenda, & wealth redistributing.
They haven't rebuilt anything destroyed from riots, built a new Y, or given any $ to blacks. How they helping?
They're not
All BLM has done is convinced you to destroy your own communities.

To scream about defunding the police force - who is the only protection from the thugs shooting up your children & streets.

To paint vulgarity all over making your town look like a 3rd world đŸ’©hole.

Get readyđŸ€Ż
Here comes the mind blow:

Rich companies are giving money to BLM.

They're rich in part because they have slave labor in their supply chains.

And their paying BLM to incite you to destroy your own community.

And BLM gives it to all democrat candidates.

Who does that serve?
Here's a clue...democrats are where your money goes when you give to BLM, as I showed you.

Who started KKK?
Who were the slave owners?
What party fought to end slavery?
Who made Jim Crow laws?

Be AWAKE, not woke.
Look up history.
Truth & facts still matter
Wake TF up
Wanna see what companies have slave labor in their supply chain and have been giving money to BLM to give to candidates?
& Many more...

Virtue signalling they help blacks but in reality the money passes thru to the white candidates who oppress you!
Here find out more about the slave labor in big companies

And when I find the list of who got PPP money?
Betcha a nickel these same companies took govt money away from small biz via that PPP money too. Shake shack and colleges already got caught doing it
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