This week, I learnt something new about how not to let emotions cause me to create unnecessary enemies.

I’m an emotional being, I sometimes react too quickly when I’m hurt, especially when it’s an obvious betrayal. I’m quick to tell the person off and/or sever the relationship.
Someone gave me his word on something 2 years ago, this week, he went back on it. While I was hurting and making promises to him and myself to sever the friendship, not one time did I think I may have somehow contributed to his actions.

You see, I’m self-aware,
I’m sensitive to people’s feelings, I go hard for my friends so I was innocent.

When I stopped feeling and started thinking, I realised that everyone has a right to change their minds on their promises, it’s not fair but it’s not a crime.

My best friend,
who is my calming balm also told me, “Ife, calm down.”

So I calmed down.

Then I got on the phone with my friend.

Talking to him made me realise there had been some little things I did in the past years that made him change his mind.
I wouldn’t have thought about it because I was so sure I was the one without fault.

My actions may not have had the intention to hurt but it did anyway.

Issues have been resolved between us, with me having a clear understanding, and all animosity cleared.
So here’s what I learnt this week: Before saying we’ve been betrayed by our friends, let’s ask the other party, “Why?”

Speaking to the person, you’ll hear it in their voice if they’re genuinely hurt by your actions or they’re just making excuses.

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