Thread: What is Dharma ?
We see a fight between theist and atheist about existence of god , they differs in view BUT both theist and atheist splits into several belief system. Both have differences among them.
Today i want to talk about theists.
They do not know Dharma.
Thiests are those who believe in an entity who created the universe , there are 1000s of religion in the name of god , religion is different from Dharma.
Dharma is always 1 , religion can have any number. The inner voice of religious people inspire them to follow dharma but +
Actually they are following religion not dharma which is the cause of all sorrows , so one must need to understand what dharma is ? Knowing the real meaning of dharma even an atheist will accept Dharma. Let's us see this in the light of ancient rishis wisdom
Maharshi kanad says: यतो अभ्युदय निःश्रेयस सिद्धि स धर्म:
Means by which we can acquire both materialistic and spiritualistic progress and can achieve the ultimate aim of Moksha , is called dharma.
So dharma itself means knowledge of both material and immaterial world.
Without knowledge of material world you cannot achieve materialistic progress
And without knowledge of immaterial world you cannot achieve spiritual progress
Knowledge of material world = Physical Science
Knowledge of immaterial world = spiritual Science.
Now let me tell you the literal meaning of the word Dharma itself , the literal meaning of the word dharma means "property" , if I say dharma of fire is to burn , means I am telling the property of of fire ,
So dharma includes everything , god , soul , nature.
Dharma of material world = physical Science , physics
Dharma of immaterial world = spiritual science

So science , physics and spirituality are not contradictory.

Scientists are studying the dharma of materials
Sadhus are studying spiritual world
BUT both are doing mistake
Scientists are ignoring the immaterial world ,lacks knowledge of spiritual science
Sadhus are ignoring the material world , they lack knowledge of physical science
Without understanding of material world one cannot understand the immaterial entities , soul and ishwara(god).
That is why Vedas says:
अंधतमः प्रविष्यन्ति ये अविद्यामुपासते । ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायां रताः ।
Those who only indulge in material world , their fate is darkness.
Those who only indulge in immaterial world their fate is in more darkness
So what one should do ?
So one should do the parallel study of both material and immaterial world.
One should try to understand the universe and the creator at the same time.
Indulging in only one thing creates problem and the fate of humanity goes in darkness.
Dharma includes both.
Vedas says:
विध्यां चाविध्यां च यस्तद्वैदोभयं सह । अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्यया अमृतमश्नुते ।।
This mantra says one should understand both phyiscal and spiritual science. Then only one can attain the ultimate aim of life called moksha. Dharma is only way to attain moksha.
In reality if we see the religious people lacks the understanding of science , because of which many superstition are there , and many fraud baba exist in society.
Now think if all baba were aware about science , they will promote scientific thinking among their disciples
The ancient rishis were aware about both physical science and spiritual science but you won't find such people today , or rarely you will find such monks who perfectly knows the universe as well as the creator.
We find many scientific concepts in books of ancient rishi , why ?
Example kanad , he wrote vaisheshik darshan which talks about physical science , but the same rishi also talks about dharma ? Why ? Because dharma and science are not contradictory , the science is a medium to understand universe , which leads to understanding of creator too.
Religious people often consider science not to be a part of dharma which is the reason of superstitions .
It is clear that dharma includes science , the science of everything.
The lack of scientific attitude is the reason of getting fooled by frauds in the name of dharma
Now the scientists , or engineers , any science guy who lacks the spirituality leads to disasters , destruction of the whole world.
Lack of true spirituality among scientists is the reason why science today is harmful , biowepaon won't exist if scientists have spirituality
We are aware about many scams in the name of science , how some medical experts are using their knowledge in wrong activities , how some so called scientists took the credit of other real scientists , and they also gets the nobel prize while real talent suffers.
We teach in our education system that how to become engineer , scientists , economist etc BUT we do not teach how to become human first ? We do not teach humanity and human values ?
That is why we find many criminals among educated class.
I told dharma means property now who we are ? Humans , the property of human is humanity , so humanity is dharma , BUT what is real humanity ? We are not just a robot with mind , we are an intelligent being , we are beyond body , we are soul. We should follow dharma of our soul.
The nature of soul itself is pure , your inner voice tells you to chose right path , you should follow your inner voice that is the dharma of everyone. The inner voice of every human is same.
A little kid in a nonveg family weeps naturally when he see killing animals.
There are many such incidents you may have seen , no matter who the kid was ? Theist or atheist ? Mushlim or christian , the inner voice is same of every human , that is dharma. To follow it , you follow dharma , but you also need knowledge to distinguish between right and wrong.
That is why it is said वेदो अखिलो धर्म मूलम means the source of dharma is vedas. The source of knowledge is vedas.
The source of dharma (physical + spiritual science) is vedas.
To distinguish between right and wrong one need knowledge plus his inner voice.
The knowledge cannot comes naturally , if you left a baby in forest it will be an animal even after looking like human.
There must be a source of knowledge which is vedas.
Which contain every science in form of seed.
So Dharma is always one , the source of dharma is vedas , one should understand both the universe as well as spiritual world for ultimate progress.
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