Sierra Leone is known for its natural resources and treasures such as diamonds. However us Sierra Leoneans have another less well known national treasure. Something of real value, a secret weapon in our arsenal of traditional African dishes.
So here it is. A Salone classic. The C-bomb!

I'm dropping it this fine Saturday morning because in our house this is so good we do sometimes eat it for breakfast.

I'm talking about....Cassava Leaf Stew, aka Plasas to Sierra Leoneans.

One of my favourite Plasas dishes. There's so much going for this national treasure. I just love how nothing is wasted with this root vegetable. We use cassava for so many other dishes in Sierra Leone.
Cassava peel is used to feed animals and the leaves we use to make the yumminess in this photo. This sauce is comforting and healthy like lot of Sierra Leonean food.

Served with plain boiled rice #mariabradfordkitchen #sierraleone #freetown #westafrica #africa #classicafrican
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