The incompetence of this government and of this present political system touches all of us... individually and collectively.
You have a good job, you have a thriving business, your Cv looks great, you live in a big house, your bank account is fat.
Until one day someone you love cannot get to the hospital on time because the roads are flooded due to slight rainfall.
Or your relatives in Southern Kaduna are victims of the violent attacks that are ongoing in that part of the country.
Or your friend gets shot and the doctors will not attend to them because they don't have police report.
Or your in-laws get blown up or shot while returning to Borno from your wedding.
Or your cousins die from food poisoning in the Niger Delta since they still have polluted water and farmlands.
Or you get to the airport and you are sent back to Nigeria for no other reason than you are Nigerian.
Or an oil tanker collapses on the express, explodes and sets 100s of people on fire... maybe you know a few of them.
Or a market in the middle of Lagos' biggest city catches fire three times in one year.
Or a school building collapses trapping little children in it.
Or you are trying to escape from harm and realise that your police force is poorly trained, poorly remunerated and has all the wrong motivations.
Or you meet one of the millions of children who eat once a day, can't go to school, die of treatable diseases and live a life of suffering.
Or your children grow up in this country and are as tired, and frustrated as you.
Lives cut short, dreams unfulfilled, immeasurable pain. Just so that a few thousand idiots can line up their pockets with billions of dollars they won't be able to spend in this lifetime.
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