De’Ja’s Coronavirus Task Force Briefing: Alcorn Edition.
I will start off by asking a question. How many of y’all have snuck through the side door to get to/leave your room, or to someone else’s room.?
I don’t even have to check the poll answers, I know mostly everyone has. However. You have people who go through the side door with hoodies on, trying not to be caught, you have people who are panicking the entire time, you have the calm folks, and hell you got....
some people that will walk through with NO shame. Like none. (I commend y’all bc man o man) People do what they do, KNOWING the consequences. You KNOW that if you get caught, you’ll get a fine. Sometimes you get caught, sometimes you don’t. We are grown adults who understand....
the consequences to our actions!!! You think folks don’t know they’re at risk for COVID everytime they go out? EVERYONE knows this. I hope y’all see this comparison. You have people who will go out in fear everytime, you will have those slightly less scared,
You will have those taking all precautions, and you will have those that flat out don’t care. No mask, no sanitizer, nothing. Acting like there’s not a pandemic or whatever going on. I say we call them AlCarens.
You have some people that overthink and worry, and you have some people who are a YOLO attitude and want to do whatever they wanna do. I feel like if we all sit and worry about what people do, we will drive ourselves crazy.
People have moral judgment and free will, and although the smart thing to do is social distance, stay in our rooms, build our immune systems, and be cautious, WHEN HAVE WE EVER ALL BEEN ON THE SAME PAGE.? never. You need to protect YOUR peace.
Looking out the window and letting your blood boil because you see people PLP is going to do what exactly.? Nothing. You gon be mad or go to sleep peacefully? You can’t stop people from doing what to do. And you can also choose not to be around those people as well.
I am safe in my room with my Lysol, face masks, and taking me gummy vitamins, and I know I’ve tested negative. You need to PROTECT YOURSELF. you can’t protect everyone.
You see people going to a party? Let em. You see people doing stuff you don’t agree with? Let them. All you can do is encourage and pray that they be safe and make the best decisions.
But for the love of God please stop bashing people for tweeting/talking about what they want to do. Like it’s pointless having twitter fingers when you won’t say it in real life. Some people cannot sit still. They cannot sit in a room all day and let the social....
part of their life die, because it will drive them crazy. It’s a tough time for everyone. Do what you need to do to protect yourself, get your 4.0, wear your mask, and wash your hands. Protect YOU. Know that you aren’t the only one who’s scared. IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU.
That’s it. That’s all.
Tried to keep it PG for the Alumni just Incase this make it to Facebook. Hey y’all.
*walks back to mic*

and for all you that won’t read nor comprehend what i said, to break it down:

I, DE’JA, know what ima do! I know how to protect myself and mind my business. I know what’s best for me, and how to protect my peace. How you gon protect yours.?

good day.
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