Some late night, tender #dbh #rk1700 for the soul w/ some angst in the beginning

Unspecified narrator, so it can be either Nines or Connor speaking
The insurmountable weight of the world presses on his shoulders, threatening to crush his chassis under the weight of it all. The anxiety, stress, doubts, and hate gnaw at his plastimetal, a never-ending hunger. He can hear the creaking of his frame in his mind. ⬇️
He feels the burn of the gazes of the people that hate him, fear him, want him dead, or any combination of the three. He will not say it out loud, will keep it close to his thirium pump, be he can't deny it as a fact:

All of it scares him ⬇️
He is too dangerous, they say. He shouldn't be here, they warn. He isn't like anyone else, they point out.
His friends say otherwise, deny all of this, but the little voice in his cranial processor cannot see his friends' logic.

The strangers are right, the voice sneers ⬇️
Perhaps...perhaps they are, the frightened part of him agrees.

He is powerful, he is tenacious, he is constantly observing.

He is a Hunter, and he knows this well about himself. He does not deny it as it is a fact. (He hates that he is a Hunter.) ⬇️
When he is scared, when he wary of the world around him--the world that wants both to eat him up and to be disposed of, there is one person that will understand him. One person that will look at home and touch him with hands that could bend steel but mend gossamer ⬇️
He loves him.

A creature such as he wasn't built for love--code & wires & nodes & plastimetal only created to carry out a purpose. A simple tool for a greater hand.

But he is no longer that, and has not been that in some day. He has rebuilt himself w/a capacity to love. ⬇️
A capacity to hold warmth in his chassis & happiness in his thirium pump. He is loved.

He is loved when he is worried & anxious & goes to him for understanding solace, a safe place. He feels the warmth in the hand that cups his cheek & thumb that brushes his cheekbone. ⬇️
He feels the tenderness of the lips that caress his forehead, nose, and then his own lips as he is drawn in closer. The overwhelming safety & care chokes him, makes him gasp, makes tears fall like stars down his cheeks. He is loved & cared for & the safety & intimacy of it ⬇️
feels like it is killing him. Why else would it feel like his biocomponents were being crushed by the shear enormity of it?

His tears are wiped away with longer flingers & strong hands, & he reaches out to hold those hands as they are still on his face. He is loved. ⬇️
He is drawn closer to him, pressed flush against clean clothes & tall build. He was built to Hunt, but so was the other. He knew him, and he felt bare in the presence of him.

His is loved.

He loves him in turn. ⬇️
He takes his own hands & and reaches for the other like it was their last day to be with one another. He leans in, smoothing the hair from the other's face. The person in front of him is beautiful, crafted for precision, relentlessness, and deadliness. He is beautiful. ⬇️
He sinks his breathing with his, & can practically hear their pumps beating in time with one another. The one he is pressed against is warm. He is warm.

He is reminded he is capable of compassion, of love, of devotion as he simple exists with him. This feeling devours him ⬇️
but it isn't painful, not like the anxiety & fear from b4. No, this is safety, this is kindness, this is warmth

It is so much easier to breathe w/ him

His weight is grounding against him. He knows it is same for the other. Here he could sink into the mass of this feeling, ⬇️
let it consume him, & he would welcome it.

He does welcome it.

W/ him, he is safe. He would kill for him. The other will do the same. He is his saftey. He kisses him because he wants home to know he admires him, cherishes him, & loves him.

He loves him, & he is loved.

*him to know he admires him
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