Hindus - please read.

There comes a time in life one must face some choices and their consequences. Red-Green axis is aligned against you.

What is important to you in life?
We continue to be blend in where we live, which is fine to some extent. But we shield our kids from reality and act as if winning the spelling bee or admission in a top university is all there is to life.
Not saying ignore education and employment. But they are a means to an end. Branches that lose touch with roots either and die. If upward mobility comes at the cost of your identity and your very soul that is a terrible price to pay.
By all means take your kids to karate class or teach them piano or sports and what not. But take the time to read them Itihaasas, teach your history, teach why they are Hindus and our Dharmic principles
You may not realize now but the rate at which things are moving you may be the last generation of Hindus with freedom to practice your religion in many parts of the world.

Wake up. Take charge of your life in order to give your progeny a choice.
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