Farrakhan can’t both be “an extremely influential figure in the black community,” and “not that impactful because he doesn’t hold any political office.”

Pick one.

And let me help you. It’s the former.

I totally understand why people look to him...
But telling Jews to “leave the man alone and fix your racism” is not only wrong, it’s incredibly arrogant. HE is the one who STAYS having the Jews’ name in his mouth. That’s the ONLY reason why many Jews even know him in the first place.

He needs to leave them alone.
Also, his Jew-hating rhetoric is not only harmful to Jews, but to the black community as well. No one should be filled with that kind of hatred for anyone. It’s poison and because of the trust he has built, it has infected many minds including the young minds today.
Just look up “attacks on Jews in New York” alone and you’ll see what I mean.

NAACP presidents, BLM organizers, influential atheletes and other celebrities have bought into the Jew-hatred, and Jews are paying for it on the streets.
We can keep singing the “Jews are making a mountain out of a molehill” chorus all day long. That’s not going to stop Farrakhan or his many acolytes.

Plus it’s wrong. They aren’t. Just like Black people wouldn’t be of David Duke packed out big venues preaching his KKK message...
ESPECIALLY if that message was echoed by mainstream superstars and big influential community leaders.
And we wouldn’t take lightly to following articles being written telling us we need to have a conversation about bigotry in our community.

Yes, inteospection is good. The timing of some of these articles calling for it, however? Terrible.
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