thread on the anti shipper community endangering minors and survivors
-not only encouraging kids to take porn from private accounts (or ones that minors would otherwise have never seen) and share it to other kids but telling them its safer
-influencing kids to feel that blocking (r18) artists that make them uncomfortable is undesirable and lame
-encouraging people with trauma to seek out artists that make them uncomfortable and trigger themselves because blocking is not prioritized thanks to the last point
-shaming kids into repressing their very natural sexuality even while safely being explored through fiction; finding people their own age attractive is shamed
-now teaching kids that there is porn out there they have an obligation to see and talk about with adults+
;adults are IRRATIONAL for not wanting to talk about porn with minors if it contains characters their age (enabling predators)
-will bully and intimidate minors and survivors to the extent of harrassment campaigns over fiction
survivors probably need a separate post. literally just a tool to anti shippers. they will shame them and their coping methods, they will try to act like they know you best, they will treat you like you're as low as what traumatized you. no matter what side you're on+
you are not and should not feel safe with a group that sees Good Survivors and Bad Survivors and finds people reminding y'all to block and filter controversial
-minimizes and cheapens peoples trauma by equating them to fabricated, fictional scenarios
-encourages kids to be Pedo Hunters
-teaching them that if there is rationale to the most minuscule extent, relentless bullying is okay --> will be used on minors
if y'all got anything else drop it here
-desensitizing themselves to the concept of csem that they will and have POSTED IT ONLINE and harmed the children in it
-predators thrive in this community thanks to the fact that bc morals are determined by disgust within in, they can and HAVE pretended that immoral porn is +
disgusting while their actual actions revealed otherwise (sex offenders; some involving minors)
constant exposure to toxic environments like these
how they treat survivors
the whole situation of the massive harassment campaign a minor, kuromantic, was a victim of
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