Hwasa wore a caftan on an episode of a variety show. The outfit was her imitating South Korean comedienne, Park Narae who often incorporates caftans and turbans in her daily fashion.

People are calling this CA which is false. Caftans are not exclusive to any culture or race:
In fact, they're probably the "earliest" form of garment, so you'll find some form of caftan in any cultural history in the world. More examples:
3/4 Turbans/scarves worn in that way are important to a lot of cultures. (Scarves have significance in Black history, for women who were forced to cover their hair but again - this doesn't mean they are exclusively worn by Black folk.)

In fashion, the turban is common-use:
I know people seem to have it out for Hwasa, and there are some things she really needs to learn but it's absurd to look at that particular outfit and claim cult*ral appr*priation or r*cism and I, a Black African woman, stand by that.

More fashionable turbans. Enjoy. 4/4
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