My ideas about changes to social worker in the UK:
Scrap fast track courses to social work.
2. Extend and deepen university curriculum.
3. Obligatory 2 year rotation for NQSW instead of 1 year of ASYE.
4. Additional speciality training after (2-3 years) in various fields.
5. Create defined role for Consultant Social Workers as the highest level of expertise independent from managerial tasks.
6. Ensure social workers training focuses on clinical therapeutic skills, including group work, like in the US.
7. Define legally social work role to prevent replacing SW with 'outreach workers', 'assessment officers', 'reviewing officers', 'social prescribers', etc.
8. Enforce registration of support workers with SWE and name them social work assistants similarly to nursing associates with training such as BA in Social Care.
9. Require managers of children's homes, residencial care homes, day centres and domiciliary care agencies to be a sw
10. Require Probation Officers to hold social work qualification.
11. Require named safeguarding professional in NHS Trusts and CCGs to be social workers not nurses.
12. Rounded children and adults SW training at the universities to prevent training very narrowly focusing just on one area.
13. Remove social workers from the management of NHS & nurses; it impacts the identity & puts social care at disadvantage with the medical model where.
14. BIA and AMHP role should be performed solely by social workers.
15. Post qualifying education has to be taken as seriously as doctors take it with weekly teaching sessions, portfolios, etc.
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