Since the world is out and about getting infected tonight (& I’m bored) I’m gonna make an educational thread for the smart ones at home.

I hope that it’ll be something to help you further make better choices and avoid being hurt by those who tend to ignore the feelings of others
9 Ways To Not Be Used
(via WeTheUrban)
1) Believe red flags

“Trust your gut” as they say. If you feel a type a type of way about a situation, pull away. It’s your subconscious telling you it’s not for your best interest.
2) Don’t fall for potential.

Never convince yourself that you can improve the performance of others. If the person in question cares, they will improve themselves.
3) Trust patterns, not apologies.

“Actions speak louder than words.” It’s nice to hear them acknowledge their mistakes, but never accept change until you see it for yourself.
4) Be careful who you vent to

That close friend you felt you could trust in your time of need could end up being your worst enemy based off the info you have given them. Choose your friends/partners wisely
5) Know when to let it go

Don’t cling to past mistakes. Acknowledge your faults and move on to improve. There’s no sense reminiscing of what could have happened.
6) It it feels wrong, don’t do it

Again, your subconscious is your best friend. It’s the only thing you can truly rely on to avoid any mishaps. Ignore peer pressure. Your mental health is more important.
7) Remember your worth

Never degrade yourself. No matter how long it takes, recognize that when you get there happiness would be so much better.
8) Trust your intuition

For the third time, your subconscious has your back. Think of it as your psyche.
9) Never lower your standards

Do not settle. Have your fun, but always keep in mind what’s best for you. Settling causes mental instability. There’s no rush in life. Don’t be discouraged by your peers “passing you up”. Your time will come, and you will know when it’s your turn.
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