tw: // ray park situation

i really don't know what to say about this situation. i think everyone's scared and worried about everything going on, rightfully so. i'm going to try to speak about this as best i can. i do not have all the information. (1/6)
it is obviously very heartbreaking to hear about ray park and daniel logan both making awful, disgusting choices, but please do not make jokes about darth maul and boba fett. the actors and characters should be separated. this is not a joke. (2/6)
i have always been scared to stan actors because first off- i see a very clear line between them and their characters. and second, there is so much awful terrible shit like this just hiding in plain sight w them. is it bad to stan actors? no. but this is what i'm scared of. (3/6)
it obviously hurts very much to be someone that kins boba fett to see someone that truly got the chance to play him make awful choices, and although like i said i can separate the two, seeing a lot of tweets about it has made it hard. it feels like a part of my boba broke. (4/6)
i do not mean to make it sound like the tl separating actor from character is worse than the real situation. because this situation is absolutely downright awful. i can't imagine how people who looked up to these two feel, as well as rays ex and children. (5/6)
i don't know what i mean to accomplish by this thread, other than i just need to get some thoughts out. i apologise if i don't seem like my usual self, like i said i'm having trouble between kinning boba and being myself rn. if anyone needs to talk, please dm. thank you. (6/6)
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