Iterview with Nojima regarding "Hollow"

The FF remake came with it's own theme song "Hollow" this time, and the lyric is written by Mr. Nojima, who has also lend a hand in "Sutekidane" and "1000 words" from FFX.

This is your first time writing lyric since then, can you share your experience of their differences or challenges?

FF usually have a melody first, and then the lyrics. What I do is to put a whole world in that melody.
I was been told to be vague (more freedom) in creating this work, and that's a big difference than what I usually have to work with.
The biggest challenge for me is how compact the lyrics have to be, in terms of size, I really don't have much words to express
Those two factors add together means I have to accept the facts that some people will perceive the song in the wrong way. And that's hard for me to swallow.
In terms of writing lyrics, I do it all the time with different projects with other companies, also for my own band.
Side note:
Consider how indirect Japanese language/culture is, Nojima used some strong words here.
He could've say people "will have room to perceive it differently", but he went for the word "wrong" instead. Also mentioned it's hard for him to deal with it.
Yeah, he is pissed 😶
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