Respectfully; we must stop this process of politicizing our history. Jamaica on a whole; both sides of Parliament; fought apartheid. However, It was Edward Seaga who the fight to @un United Nations and Commonwealth to resist South Africa even standing up to UK PM Thatcher.
When Mandela visited Jamaica Manley had become PM (1990) less than a year before. A closer and more honest revision of history would show that the economic strain on South Africa was following the 1985 Address at the United Nations by PM Edward Seaga. But many others contributed.
In 1968; PM Hugh Shearer Publicly chided the regime and the United Nation’s accepted Jamaica’s proposal to have the YEAR declared “International Year for Human Rights”. In 1977, we signed the Gleneagles Agreement outlawing sporting links with South Africa with Manley as President
In 1987, it was Edward Seaga who rallied the support when developed countries tried to bail out South Africa at the United Nations 🇺🇳. Jamaica did that.
When Mandela visited Jamaica; Seaga in his address said he was most proud that; (Sangster, Shearer, Manley, Seaga) “Every PM of Jamaica has in his own time and in his own way, struck a blow ... against apartheid”.
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