"So leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about, till they meet their day which is promised"
Al Ma'arij Vs 42.

Dear fellow Muslims, if you see someone mocking your religion, quickly remind yourself of this👆 verse and move on.

Don't engage, don't get mad. Just move on!
The world of the hypocrites try to twist the honour and respect we have for our Deen and the Messengers of Allah as us not being able to take a joke or us being intolerant.

Let them. We don't owe anyone an explanation as to how we choose to look at our Deen.
Insulting and abusing such people will only further "prove" their agenda. Same agenda we've been warned about countless time in the Qur'an by Allah.

And we've been thought really well how to respond to such agenda in the verse below.
So take heed to the command of Allah and reply to them with words of Peace and move along.

Remember, the earlier Muslims never attacked a people just cos they bad-mouthed Islam. Never!

They only fought when they were attacked physically. We fight words with silence or "Peace".
Keep honouring your Deen and the messengers of Allah. That feeling of disgust you feel watching the messengers of Allah being mocked, it's a good feeling but dilute your anger with peace and keep it intact.

And I end as I began, leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about.a
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah ikhwaan.😁
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