Fuck it. Legalwattenpotlnpott as Elementary characters
Am I taking this too seriously? Probably. Am I determined to accurately figure these out? Yes.
Em /// Joan Watson

-Best dressed
-Consistently done with my shit
-My #1 companion
-The possibly only one that can calm me down from a total freakout
-Taught them everything I know and in turn actually mellowed some of my rougher edges out
-The most obvious one
Liz /// Marcus Bell

-Probably the reason Em and I haven't gotten into legal trouble yet
-Sometimes unsure how to react to Em and I
-Goes along with it anyways
-We got into it a little a couple years ago but we're chill now
-The rational one in the gc
Gwyn /// Kitty Winter

-The secret 3rd chaos agent
-Gay energy™™
-Goes AWOL sometimes but always will return
-Randomly found me and that's how she got pulled into the group
-Em found her intimidating at first now we're a trio™™
Mags /// Clyde

-My son
-I will protect him with my life
-Just a good person that Em and I have (not) adopted
-Calls me mom and it makes me very soft to this day
-Literally the best fit I could think of imsorryson
Riley /// Jamie Moriarty

-An enigma
-For a WHILE we didn't know what he looked like
-A fucking shock when we learned more about him I'll tell ya that much
-Literally made this thread bc I thought his pfp was her and IT MADE S E N S E
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