One fun note I love about Everybody Wants Some!! is how each pitcher's playing style reflects so directly on who they are as a person
Willoughby has that old school long wind long careless wind up. Just a guy out there causally having fun
Bueter Perkins is stiff and tight like a flexed muscle
Nesbit is a sidearm slinger because of course the guy who postures as a badass would pitch in the weirdest possible way
Raw Dog Jay is perfection. The guy who thinks himself great has this odd long windup with a touch of the dramatic which completely blows away the facade of his actual talent
And then there's Jake. The literal blank slate of the movie with the most generic MLB the Show preloaded generated pitching animation I've ever seen. He is the default setting on your user created pitcher
Thus concludes my buzzed deep dive on the intersection sports movies and actual sports. Don't forget to mute and block if you don't want more content like this
I just realized this thread is the modern day equivalent of a Bill Simmons column and I'm so sorry I'm trying to delete it now
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