Gonna go watch the Garfield Movie brb.
Bill Murray has some class acting ngl.
Wow Jon Arbuckle is a simp. Literally takes his cat to the vet for no reason so he can see his crush.
Man GOT A DOG just because his crush wanted him to take care of one knowing he has a cat. This man ISTG.
Cats looking at Garfield talking like "if this man doesn't shut the fu-"
Oh she asked him out nvm.
Garfield got his front seat taken from him. Have some respect for your cat you simp.
Tf is this parking?
Bruh Garfield MAD jealous of Odie.
Jon shut his cat out this man is STRESSING me out.
Odie is the new astronaut lads.
ODIE BAITED HIM AND MADE HIM THE ASTRONAUT. this movie is more dramatic than Endgame ffs.
And Odie got free milk? Garfield is getting shown up rn.
That's a HUGE dog. Odie's more protected than people using Durex goddamn.
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