I’m feeling for the new folks out there getting arrested for the first time. Arrests are a key part of state repression, and unfortunately, it works. I’ve been there myself and I’d like to share a few thoughts.
First off, it hurts. Maybe this is obvious. But you’re likely to be thrown on the ground, have your arms twisted, be shoved, and be suffering from tear gas. Cops are bullies. They think harming you will fix your behavior. Best advice: find your inner resolve.
Arrests are a way of controlling your body. Even though its often illegal, LEOs and COs will withhold water, food, medical care, all of it. Sometimes they take your clothes. They want you to feel helpless. Mentally prepare if you can. Remind yourself of your own strength & power
Most (not all) of the current arrests happening downtown in Portland last about 6-8 hours. Could be less or slightly more. It is a boring, frustrating, hostile period of time. You may be left alone with your thoughts.
You will not be in contact with anyone. You will be worried about your friends and family. Just know that this community is working to get you out. We are more worried about you. We will support you legally, physically, and emotionally when you are out.
When you get out, look for jail support! They’re almost always on the ground. They have water and snacks and can help you get home. Cops tend to take your stuff: keys, wallet, backpack, phone. So you need help when released.
Take the time to rest as soon as possible. Call out of work. Silence your phone. Take a shower. Sleep. Then begin the process of writing down your experience and your thoughts. You will be full of thoughts, most of them angry.
Talk things out with your friends and family, but if you don’t have a therapist yet, now is the time to get one. Some people bounce back quickly, but it’s better to be safe and work out every detail with someone who knows how to address trauma.
Remember that the only answer the cops have is to harm people. It is their solution to everything. And when you’re in jail, feeling angry, you may have thoughts of doing harm in response to your treatment.
Harm begets harm. Trauma feeds trauma. We only break this cycle through care and love. This includes radical self-care and self-love.
Arrests are effective because they take a psychological toll. It will be difficult to feel safe and return to the struggle. You may feel guilty for not returning right away. But please: you don’t need to return to the fight right away.
We need you to get healing and to process your trauma. This is not optional. There is a strength that comes from seeing how the system works from the inside, feeling its effects, suffering under its cruelties. Figure out how to marshall that strength.
Finally, some quick “before the protest” tips: have an emergency contact. Always go with a buddy. Write the NLG number on your ankle. Don’t risk arrest unnecessarily. Keep your comrades safe. And no matter what happens, don’t give up.
You can follow @Svevan.
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