I know this is a hot take but I’m so tired of the debate around the word queer. It was only made popular as a slur in the mid-20th century, but it has been used as a self-descriptor by Members Of The Community since the late 19th century—
When I talk about being queer and doing work in the queer community I’m not talking about the LGBTQ+ community as a whole I am talking about the QUEER COMMUNITY—
i.e. those of us who live our lives in conscious rejection of the (western colonialist) cisheteronormative ideals society forces on us every day. There is an inherent radicalism to identifying as queer. It’s about living ur life in beautiful non-normative ways—
It’s not just about being LGBTQ+, it’s about chosen family, poverty, homelessness, sex, sex work, racism, classism, (dis)ability, disenfranchisement, healthcare, spirituality, art, education, public access, police and prison abolition, anti-capitalism, community—
“Gay” and “trans” becoming palatable to society is not enough for queer folks bc our queerness is more than that. Being queer is about dismantling the systems that hold all of us down for any number of reasons—
My boyfriend is bi, but not queer. And he doesn’t have to be. Queer is a subculture of the LGBTQ+ community. The word was ours before they tried to take it away and turn it against us. The word has always been ours and I will never b ashamed to call myself or my community Queer
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