Started watching Wild Wild Country and damn the Documentary Now parody of this kinda got it spot-on
Also the number of Hitler comparisons people have made in this documentary is staggering
The old townspeople will make some solid point about the Rajneesh and I’ll be like "yeah that makes sense" but then they’ll follow it up with like "but my real problem with them is they have premarital sex"
The attorney general’s deal with like "this town isn’t constitutional ‘cause the town is run by the church leadership" is like technically true but also applies to like half the towns in the south and also the entire state of Utah
Very cool that a county can just blanket suspend all new voter registration, I’m sure that’s only ever been used in good faith in America
This thread really makes me seem sympathetic to a bioterrorist cult, disclaimer: they’re the bad guys too
Oh wow apparently the bioterrorist cult also just sedated a bunch of homeless people once, very normal and peaceful religion things
And yet these people are like "no it’s unfair to compare us to Jonestown" while they’re like actively putting sedatives in the drinks of homeless people in the town
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