i would just like to tell you all to unfollow or block @/SidneyJonesYT. he is 17 and is very creepy. he is constantly replying to stans tweets, which is odd because he doesnā€™t follow the majority of them. this isnā€™t too big of a deal but it makes many people feel 1/
uncomfortable. plus he also stalks other peopleā€™s accounts on different social media websites for example on instagram, multiple people have told me he has somehow found their accounts even though he was not told their @.
of course you donā€™t have to unfollow or block if it doesnā€™t bother you! iā€™m just making this thread to inform any younger stans, or stans in general that may feel uncomfortable or weirded out by him. thank youšŸ˜½
extra screenshots! he recently followed someone even though she didnā€™t tell him her @, this is his insta if you would like to block
this has also been sent to me by sanna <3
You can follow @ksiolayalbt.
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