There exists an effect in social psychology called the spotlight effect. It has particular relevance to trans people early in coming out. Specifically, you are much more likely to think people notice you than people actually do. This was experimentally conformed 1of?
There was an experiment in which a group of people completed an unrelated task together, and one of them would wear a very embarrassing giant picture of Barry Manilow on a T-shirt. They then asked them to estimate how many noticed.

Their estimate was 2.5x higher than reality.
Many studies have confirmed the spotlight effect. Even in what we think should be extremely obvious situations, everyone is walking around thinking the spotlight is on THEM.

The good news? Trans people can use this to their advantage early in transition. 3of?
So when you are ready to step out into the public, shop in the women’s section your first time, put on a little foundation, shave your legs... just know that you are way more likely to think others notice than they actually do. You can push these limits far.
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