I have been thinking about my diet in the context of what americans eat vs. what ppl in other countries eat for dinner, and i feel like eating dinner in the us of a is kind of screwed up (thread)
you see, up until this year due to the pandemic, i would be going to guatemala every summer and for dinner each day, we literally just had a white-flour piece of bread, beans/cheese and coffee. that was it-- not a very big meal.
but for the rest of the year in the us, and even now, i eat significantly more. breakfast / lunch SHOULD be the biggest meal of the day imo... especially since its easier to bloat after eating so much at night (at least I know I do). i'd lose more weight on a lighter dinner
not only that, but it becomes easier to sleep at night when you're not so full, you'll digest it better, & coffee suppresses your hunger so that you're not snacking at 2 AM next to the fridge.
having lunch and dinner being comparatively large-sized meals is unrealistic.
if you look at a bunch of english-language diet plans or ones created w/ the western world in mind though they don't reduce portion sizes for dinner in fact sometimes its even larger than lunch... and its like why??
you already had the opportunity for a large meal earlier on...
this thread is kind of worthless but thats just my take away. i am not a nutritionist or expert, these are my thoughts
there's actually so little we know about nutrition science anyways so its not like talking about this is completely pointless but this is a rant soo
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